Department of Oral
& Maxillofacial Surgery
The department of maxillofacial surgery is responsible for the surgical treatment of acquired, congenital, and traumatic disorders involving the jaws and facial regions, as well as developmental diseases affecting these areas. Other areas in which the department plays a major role include facial fractures, head and neck malignancies, and salivary gland illnesses. Maxillofacial injuries, cysts and tumours, mouth cancer, orthognathic surgery, bone transplant, distraction, and cleft lip and palate are all major operations included in the expertise of maxillofacial surgery. The department trains students at the undergraduate level in the minor surgical operations performed and provides them with the requisite information and abilities.
Our main aim is to enable the graduate to perform exodontia and minor surgical procedures under local anesthesia and general anesthesia following aseptic protocols, manage and prevent associated complications, to acquire an understanding of the various diseases and injuries occurring in the oral and maxillofacial region and provide the primary care required.
To impart high quality education and guidance to the students of our institute and to leave a mark of excellence in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery.
The department of maxillofacial surgery is responsible for the surgical treatment of acquired, congenital, and traumatic disorders involving the jaws and facial regions, as well as developmental diseases affecting these areas. Other areas in which the department plays a major role include facial fractures, head and neck malignancies, and salivary gland illnesses. Maxillofacial injuries, cysts and tumours, mouth cancer, orthognathic surgery, bone transplant, distraction, and cleft lip and palate are all major operations. The department trains students at the undergraduate level in the surgical operations performed and provides them with the requisite information and abilities
HOD’s Message
As the Head of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, I consider it a privilege to be a part of this esteemed institute that provides us with the best facilities and support required. Our department provides an active co-operative learning environment for the under graduate students. Our team consists of experienced teachers and promising young faculty with clinical expertise. Their outstanding passion for the profession enables us to provide excellent theoretical and practical education to the undergraduate students. With an attachment to the Al-Azhar Medical College with a completely functioning casualty and well- equipped operating theatre facilities we are looking forward to begin a postgraduate resident training program soon.
These objectives of the department
are as follows:

Objective 1
To provide prompt and exceptional on and off campus clinical care to the community in the field of Maxillofacial Surgery.

Objective 2
To advance educational quality and knowledge by making a headway in research oriented work.

Objective 3
To begin a Post Graduate programme and train the residents to diagnose and treat the various conditions related to the maxillofacial region.
Course Details
The Department OF Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery offers undergraduate training program as per the DCI curriculum. The training begins from 3rd year of BDS continuing till final year Part-2 BDS. For 3rd BDS and Part- 1 students theory classes are taken once a week whereas for Part-2 students, theory classes are taken thrice a week. Clinical postings are assigned on rotatory basis from 10:15 am to 2:00 pm. The students posted in the department are trained for the following:
1st BDS- no practical/theory classes
2nd BDS-no practical/theory classes
- Case history taking- detailed clinical examinations, investigations and diagnosis
- Extraction of anterior and mobile teeth under local anesthesia: infiltration only
- Seminars on basic subjects, local anesthesia, investigative procedures, exodontia etc.
- IV/ IM injection technique on patients
- Observing minor surgery done by staff member under local anesthesia.
- Case history taking- detailed clinical examinations, investigations and diagnosis
- Extraction of anterior and posterior teeth under LA : Infiltration and blocks
- Suturing of extraction wound
- Seminars on oral surgery subjects, cross contamination and infection, impactions, medically compromised patients, medical emergencies etc.
- Observing minor surgery done by staff member under local anesthesia.
- Assistance of minor surgery done by staff member under local anesthesia.
- Wiring procedures in models as a part of skill development
- Case history taking- detailed clinical examinations, investigations and diagnosis
- Extraction of anterior and posterior teeth under LA : Infiltration and blocks
- Seminars on oral surgery subjects like TMJ, Tumors, Maxillofacial injuries, Infections, Salivary Gland diseases and Medico-legal considerations
- Observation of major surgery under general anesthesia in the operation theater
- Assistance of minor surgery done by staff member under local anesthesia.
- Incision and drainage
- Wound dressing
- Extraction of anterior and posterior teeth under LA : Infiltration and blocks
- Observation of major surgery under general anesthesia in the operation theater
- Assistance of minor surgery done by staff member under local anesthesia.
- Incision and drainage
- Wound dressing
- Eyelet wiring technique on models
- Upper and lower erich’s arch bar technique with inter maxillary fixation on models
- Flap design and placement for minor surgical cases under the supervision of a staff member
Facilities in the Department
- Dental chairs – 35
- Autoclave – 4
- Fumigator – 1
- Minor Surgical Kit – 7
- Trauma Set – 1
- Emergency Kit – 1
- Cleft Lip and Palate Kit – 1
- Pulse Oximeter – 1
- Recovery Room – 1
- Major Operation Theatre with all facilities as per MCI guidelines – In the Medical College
- In-Patient Beds – In the Medical College
- Computer with Internet Connection – 1
- Refrigerator – 1
The department is also equipped with a department library, audio visual room, seminar room, lecture hall which can accommodate upto 50 students and a sterilization room
Teaching Faculty
Our faculty members are our greatest asset. Through their enthusiasm and their ability to connect easily with the students, they contribute towards the overall professional and personal growth of the students.
Position: Professor & Head of Department
Publictions: 6
- Comparative Study of Piezoelectric and Rotary Osteotomy Technique for Third Molar Impaction: An Original Research, The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice(2017)
- An Overview of Oral Health in India: Current Scenario and Challenges: A Review, International journal of Oral Care and Research(2016)
- ORAL SUBMUCOUS FIBROSIS- A NEW COCEPT IN SURGICAL MANAGEMENET: A Case Study, International Journal of Current Research(2016)
- Immediate Trauma Management In Road Traffic Accident(RTA): MDJ Vol.2. Issue No.1 March (2013)
- Oral Submucous Fibrosis- A Radical Surgical Approach: A Case Report –MDJ.Vol.2.Issue No.2 Apr-June (2013)
- Treatment of localised gingival recession with subpedicle connectiuve tissue graft and free gingival auto graft- a comparative clinical evaluation, Journal of Indian Dental Association(1990)
Position: Principal and Professor
Publictions: 6
- A study on mandibular reconstruction, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery(2003)
- Role of arthrocentesis in teh management of acute closed lock of TM Joint:A pilot study, Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery(2012)
- Peripheral fibroma obstructing the eruption pathway, Indian Journal od Dental Research(2012)
- Adenoid cystic carcinoma of palate: A case report, Journal of Research and advancement in dentistry(2015)
- Internal fixation of mandibular fractures using microplates- A study, J Clin Den Res Edu (2020)
- A simple technique for isolation of inaccessible areas of oral cavity, NJIRM(2013)
Position: Professor
Publictions: 6
- Applications of cone beam computed tomography for a prothodontist- A Review Article, The Journal of Indian Prothodontic Society(2015)
- Fundamentals of cone beam computed tomography for a prothodontist- A Review Article, The Journal of Indian Prothodontic Society(2015)
- Revascularization of immature permanent anterior tooth using platelet rich plasma- a case report , International Journal of Preventive and Clinical Dental Research(2016)
- Oeler’s Type III dens invaginatus: A case report with one year follow up, European journal of general dentistry(2014)
- Cavernous lymphangioma of lower lip- A case report, Health Sciences 2013;2(3):JS006A
- Naso-Orbital Injury- A case report, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kerala state
- The buccal fat pad and its surgical applications- a review, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kerala state(2014)
- UNUSUALLY LARGE SUBMANDIBULAR SIALOLITH- A case report, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kerala state(2015)
Position: Professor
Publictions: 3
- ORAL SUBMUCOUS FIBROSIS- A NEW COCEPT IN SURGICAL MANAGEMENET: A Case Study, International Journal of Current Research(2016)
- BIOPSY- A REVIEW OF LITERATURE- MDJ.Vol.2.Issue No.3 Jul.-Sep(2013)
- Evaluation of Different Steroid Nasal Spray in Chronic Rhinosinusitis: A Comparative Study, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology (2021)
Position: Reader
Publictions: 5
- Intraoperative use of C-Arm Fluoroscope for location of foreign body in Maxillofacial surgery : Series of cases, Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstruction Open (2019)
- Stress Profile Among Maxillofacial Surgeons, International Journal of Research in Health Sciences(2015)
- Infant Feeding Tube Modification of Transpalatal Wiring in Maxillary Palatal Fracture- A Novel Tcehnique, Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Position: Reader
Publictions: 4
- Reliability of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Comparison with Panoramic Radiography to Predict the Anatomic Relationship of Inferior Alveolar Nerve with Mandibular Third Molar: A Radiological and Clinical Study: An Original Article, Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences(2020)
- An inverted maxillary 3rd molar, what to do?: A case report with review, Journal of Maxillofacial Science & Research(2014)
- Autotransplantation as a surgical alternative to malpositioned permanent tooth- A case report, Kerala Dental Journal (2014)
- Smart Phone an inseparable surgeon’s aid, Malanadu Dental Journal (2015)
Position: Senior Lecturer
Publictions: 2
- Reliability of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Comparison with Panoramic Radiography to Predict the Anatomic Relationship of Inferior Alveolar Nerve with Mandibular Third Molar: A Radiological and Clinical Study: An Original Article, Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences(2020)
- Tissue adhesives in third molar impaction surgery- Report of a case with review of literature, Kerala Dental Journal (2015)
Position: Senior Lecturer
Publictions: 6
- Moebius Syndrome: Oromandibular-limb Hypogenesis Spectrum-A Case Report International Journal of Science and Research(2016)
- Controversies in Management of Head and Neck Cancers: A Review, Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research(2020)
- Attitude and awareness among UG, interns and PG students about management of medical emergencies in dental office: A survey study, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation(2020)
- Patterns & incidence of Mandibular fractures: An Epidemiological study, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine(2020)
- Assessment of Incidence of TMJ Disorders in Dental Graduates Competing for Post Graduation Exam: An Original Research, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology(2021)
- Evaluation of quality of life with obturators in patients post maxillectomies: An original research, Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation(2021)
Position: Senior Lecturer
Publictions: 3
- Comparative evaluation of classical inferior alveolar nerve block and gow-gates nerve block for surgical removal of mandibular third molar: A prospective study. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences (2020)
- Benign fibrous histocytoma of the maxilla: A rare case report. Int J Prev Clin Dent Res 2021;8:27-30
- Odontogenic Myxoma of Posterior Maxilla: A case report with Mini Literature Review. Int J Oral Care Res 2020;8 :106-8

Affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences

Recognised by Dental Council of India
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